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A Review Of The Harry Potter Series

by 고소고소한 고소미 2022. 10. 17.

The Harry Potter series is a story about an orphaned boy named Harry Potter. This series is about how the character of Harry goes on a journey to become "the one," the person who can defeat Voldemort, the evil Lord of Darkness. Every book in this series has a loser and an underdog, but they learn that "the chosen one" is not actually born that way; it takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance to make it to the top.

Introduction, Best Character: Hermione GrangerWorst Character: Draco Malfoy

The Harry Potter series is a must-read for any fan of mystery, adventure, and magic. The books are written by J.K. Rowling and follow the adventures of young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

The characters in the Harry Potter series are some of the most well-developed in all of literature. Each one has a unique personality and backstory that makes them all unforgettable.

In this blog post, we will be discussing each of the outstanding characters in the Harry Potter series, starting with the character who we believe is the most important: Harry Potter himself.

Hermione is undoubtedly one of the strongest and smartest characters in the Harry Potter series. She's never afraid to speak her mind and is always looking out for others, even when it puts her in danger. Her loyalty towards Harry and fellow students is admirable, and her interactions with other characters make for some of the best scenes in the books.

Draco Malfoy definitely doesn't fit the mold of a typical good guy or bad guy. He's conniving and manipulative, often using his family connections to get what he wants. His interactions with Hermione are particularly cringe-worthy, with Draco trying to bully her but failing miserably every time. Despite his flaws, Draco still manages to be one of the more entertaining characters in the series.


The Worst Kind of Villain, Ron Weasleyand Hermione Granger's Character Development

When thinking of the worst kind of villains, one usually thinks of characters who are evil for the sake of it. These villains are typically unconcerned with other people or their own well-being, and simply have a thirst for power. While these villains can be quite memorable, they're not the only kind of villain that exists in literature.

One type of villain that is often overlooked is the villain who is simply out of their depth. These villains are often well-meaning but do not understand the world around them or the people in it. They make hasty decisions that lead to disaster, and eventually learn their lesson. The Harry Potter series features a number of examples of this type of villain, most notably Voldemort and Dumbledore.

Both Voldemort and Dumbledore were well-intentioned but made mistakes that led to their downfall. Voldemort was blinded by his obsession with power, while Dumbledore allowed his affection for Harry to cloud his judgement. Both villains were ultimately defeated because they were not able to understand or adapt to the changes around them. This makes them among the most interesting type of villains, as they demonstrate the dangers of becoming too invested in your cause.

Ron Weasley is one of the most underrated characters in the Harry Potter series. He starts out as a lovable character who is always there to help his friends, but over the course of the series he develops into a strong and independent individual. 

Ron's development starts off relatively slow, but as the series progresses he becomes more self-reliant and able to take care of himself. He also becomes much more confident and determined, which makes him a great leader in later seasons. In particular, Ron's growth during the Deathly Hallows is especially impressive. 

Overall, Ron's character development is very impressive and demonstrates his strength of character. He is an incredibly loyal friend who always puts others first, and his growth over the course of the series is very satisfying.

Hermione Granger is without a doubt one of the most outstanding and well-developed characters in the Harry Potter series. Throughout the series, she goes through a lot of development and changes, from her initial reluctance to join the wizarding world to her eventual mastery of spells and knowledge about magic. 

One of the most significant developments in Hermione's character is her growth as a self-reliant individual. At the beginning of the series, she is timid and not very assertive, relying on others for guidance and support. As the series progresses, however, she becomes more confident and independent. This growth is particularly evident in her interactions with Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Initially, Hermione relies on Ron to help her with her studies at Hogwarts; later on, she becomes more independent and takes charge when they are both targeted by Voldemort. 

Another important development in Hermione's character is her growing empathy for others. Initially, she is very judgmental of other students at Hogwarts and views them as inferior beings who are not worthy of belonging in the wizarding world. Over time, however, she begins to see them as individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. 


Draco Malfoy's Character Development, Dumbledore's Character Development

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Draco Malfoy remains an enigmatic and complex character. Initially, he is depicted as a mean-spirited, nasty boy who is only out for himself. However, over time, we see Draco grow into a more complex figure, with hidden depths and a desire for redemption. 

Draco's development is largely due to the fact that J.K. Rowling gradually reveals more about his past. In the earliest books, we learn that Draco was abused by his father and twin brother before he turned to cruelty as a way of coping. As Draco matures, he comes to understand the error of his ways and begins to regret his actions. Rowling brilliantly conveys this transformation by gradually revealing bits of information about Draco's past rather than hammering it home in one big scene. 

One of the most important aspects of Draco's character is his loyalty to Lord Voldemort. Throughout the series, we see him act purely out of self-interest but always keep Lord Voldemort in mind. His willingness to do anything to please Voldemort shows how much he has been brainwashed and how deeply he has been affected by the Dark Lord's teachings. 

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is an outstanding example of character development. In the first book, Dumbledore is introduced as a wise and powerful wizard who is able to keep the students safe while they are at Hogwarts. However, over the course of the series, we see Dumbledore develop into a much more complex and interesting character.

In the first book, Dumbledore is mainly concerned with keeping the students safe and ensuring that they are successful in their studies. However, as the series progresses, we see that he is also willing to fight for what he believes in, even if it means putting himself in danger. For example, Dumbledore is willing to duel Voldemort even though he knows that he may not be able to win. Similarly, in Deathly Hallows, we see him sacrifice himself so that Harry can complete his mission and save the world from Voldemort’s reign of terror.

Dumbledore’s character development is an excellent example of how a writer can improve upon an existing character without having to create a completely new one. By developing Dumbledore’s character over the course of the series, Rowling was able to create a much more interesting and memorable character than she would have if she had simply stayed withmp.

