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A Review Of The Harry Potter Series The Harry Potter series is a story about an orphaned boy named Harry Potter. This series is about how the character of Harry goes on a journey to become "the one," the person who can defeat Voldemort, the evil Lord of Darkness. Every book in this series has a loser and an underdog, but they learn that "the chosen one" is not actually born that way; it takes hard work, dedication, and perseveranc.. 2022. 10. 17.
Academy Award Winning Films: The Most Influential Movies Of All Time It may come as a surprise to some of you that not all films are winners at the Academy Awards every year. In fact, it's been estimated that only 10% of movies are actually nominated for an award at the Oscars. This is why we're always looking for new film trends to try and stay ahead in the movie business. So if you're wondering which movies have had the most influence on cinema over the years a.. 2022. 10. 15.
The Best Movies On Netflix To Help You Kill Time There are plenty of ways to kill time, and it's hard to know what are the best options. The Best Movies On Netflix To Help You Kill Time will help you find new options that you never knew existed! 1. The Best Movies On Netflix, What To Watch When You're Bored Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services out there, and for good reason – they have a wide range of movies and TV shows that .. 2022. 10. 13.
Romantic movies that are great for couples to watch together It's very important as a couple to share the same interests, and choose movies that are going to be interesting to both of you. sometimes picking a movie to watch together can prove difficult, but many romantic movies are great for couples - take a look at this list of top picks! 1. Love actually, Pride and prejudice, The notebook If you're looking for a movie that is great for couples watch tog.. 2022. 10. 11.